Psychology All books

Marc Jeannerod
Of Mental Physiology A History of the Relationship Between Biology and Psychology
A relative newcomer to the world of science, psychology gives rise to a rivalry between two older siblings, philosophy and biology. This enduring conflict between materialism and spiritualism, which continues today in other forms, without adoubt was the driving force behind its progress. What we know today about the spirit is a result of this history. Biology and psychology have shaped each other in turn. This book represents a riveting study on how two centuries of spiritual quarrelling made possible the modern attempt to establish the inner workings of the mind. A professor of physiology at the Université Claude Bernard, Marc Jeannerod is also the director of an Inserm neurological research team in Lyon.

Jean Piaget
Of Education
What is the teacher's role and how important is it in a child's education? Should this role include the shaping in the child's mind of the tools with which to grasp and comprehend the world? How should activities be presented so as to be easily understood by children? What are the difficulties that children encounter when resolving mathematical problems? Pedagogical methodology, the role of the educator, and the child's autonomy : these are some of the subjects that Piaget reflected on throughout his life and which remain central to educational concerns today.

Willy Pasini
The Nuisance People
Does your best friend never seem to overcome any of her problems? Does your boss seem overly anxious? Is your partner depressed because he feels inadequate? Even though you may feel that life is generally uncomplicated and happy, recently youve been having trouble coping and fighting off the ambient dejection and the psychological problems of everyone around you. Based on numerous case studies, Willy Pasini reviews the different types of situations that are likely to spoil your everyday life so you can avoid this kind of trouble in the future.

Olivia Hagimont
Nothing Is Going My Way or How Panic Attacks Descend on Me, Out of the Blue
A comic book, in the popular “girly” style, which gives an alternative slant to psychiatric disorders and CBT.

David Gourion, Séverine Leduc
Not Like Others, More than Others In Praise of A-typical Intelligence
An exploration of a certain personality profile and a particular form of intelligence