Psychology All books

Christophe André
Advice psy
This guide to everyday psychology gives information and advice on a number of issues that concern everyone

Olivia Hagimont
Chubby Or How I Survived the Skinny Tyranny
A light-hearted take on being overweight in the form of a ‘psychological’ comic book, with an explanatory text by psychiatrist Christophe André

Didier Pleux, Camille Cellier
We're both fighting A Diary of Anorexia
How can anorexia be overcome? A young anorexic reveals the diary of her therapy and cure

Manuella Rebotini
Totemic Drums A Short History of Rock Music and Some Psychoanalytic Considerations
Contemporary American popular history, revisited by rock music and psychoanalysis

Alice Massat
The Success of Frauds and Fakes
Familiar scams carried out by known fraudsters are on the rise: a sign of the times?

Nathalie Zajde
Children of the Survivors
this book describes precisely what is called the survivors syndrome, an illness which manifests itself through nightmares, feelings of intense terror and desertion, a particular and incurable annoyance, recurring memories, and unfounded fears.

Mark Williams, Danny Penman
Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World
Following The Mindful Way through Depression, the latest success by Oxford professor Mark Williams

Aldo Naouri
Living Life to the Fullest Interviews with Emilie Lanez
The intellectual trajectory of an inspiring writer whose educational principles have won over millions of readers