Child development All books
Bénédicte de Boysson-Bardies
How Does the Power of Speech Come to Children ?
How does the newborn, from his cradle, perceive the sounds that make up words? How does he hear and extract sounds, and then recognize, organize and analyze them? How does an infant come to understand and reproduce language? How does the power of speech come to children? Benedicte de Boysson Bardies invites the reader to follow the newborn from his first minute of life to his first sentence, retracing step by step the process of acquiring speech. As a psycholinguist, Benedicte de Boysson Bardies specializes in the acquisition of language by young children.
Jean-Charles Nayebi
Preparing, Protecting and Educating Children and Adolescents for Life in a Digital World
An educational and psychological aspect: the author explains how each of the sites accessed (game, chat rooms) can affect or even alter behaviour and lead to addiction.
Boris Cyrulnik
Child Suicide Attachment and Society
The number of child and teenage suicides is greatly underestimated, warns Boris Cyrulnik, in a report commissioned by the French government
Marie-France Le Heuzey
The Anorexic Child Understanding and taking action
These days, anorexia can affect children from as young as 8 years old. It is no longer just a disease found among teenagers, and it can concern boys aswell as girls. What are the signs of this new form of mental anorexia ? Should you be concerned if you notice a change in behaviour towards food ? How can you help your child ? How can you avoid reaching this point ? A fresh look at this disease and a reflection on the place of the child in our society. Marie-France Le Heuzey is a psychiatric doctor, and coordinates the treatment of anorexic children in the department of Child and Adolescent Psychopathology at the Robert-Debré hospital in Paris.