Child development All books
Hélène Romano
Helping the Child in Trouble Separation, Aggression, Traumatism
A response adapted to the growing violence occurring in our societies, from school bullying to terrorist attacks. Contains many practical examples and explanations, clear and concrete guidance to help parents help their children and make them feel secure.
Aldo Naouri
Hearing the Child
The role of the mother, the place of the father, what it means to educate: with great coherence, Aldo Naouri presents and reevaluates many of his key themes as they come together to illuminate the psychic development of the child. A reflective work on the profound meaning of what it means to raise a child.
Nazir Hamad, Charles Melman
Happy Adoptions
An examination of the symbolic issues of adoption allows us to understand the singularity of the process.
Didier Pleux
Handbook of Education for Modern Parents
Parents often feel overwhelmed by their children's omnipotence. It is easy enough to say that parents must recover their authority and lay down rules, but what are the practical ways of going about this in everyday life?
Nady Van Broeck, Jacques Van Rillaer
Giving Psychological Support to Seriously Ill Children
An indispensable book to enable parents and caregivers to help children overcome the challenge of serious illness
Aldo Naouri
Girls and their Mothers
According to the author, a powerful current of violence flows between daughters and their mothers.