General Psychology All books
Frédéric Fanget, Odile Darbon
Asserting Oneself When Faced with Manipulation Thwarting manipulation – a user’s guide
A book inspired by the authors’ clinical practices, concrete cases drawn from everyday life.
Marion Leboyer, Lisa Letessier, Anne deDanne
Post-Covid, Reinventing Our Mental Health
In mental health, as in so many other areas, the Covid-19 pandemic calls for self-reinvention.
Boris Cyrulnik, José Lenzini
Chérif Mécheri, a Muslim Prefect Under Vichy
Starting with an original biographical portrait of Chérif Mécheri (1902-1990), the first Muslim prefect of the Republic, a Vichy official attempting to undermine its activities, a keen reflection on those who resisted.
Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein
Noise A Flaw in Human Judgement
How can we explain the great variability in judgements in realms in which there shouldn’t be any – medical diagnostics, judicial sentences, recruitment, insurance policies, etc.? A powerful and innovative work.
Alain Braconnier
Parents Need Love, Too
Parents’ need for love and the notion of reciprocity in upbringing, advice for maintaining it.
Camille Cellier
Healing Anorexia
A personal account of overcoming anorexia, contrary to all institutional treatments
Antoine Guédeney
A Baby Doesn’t Wait Identifying, Treating, and Preventing Distress in the Very Young Child
The adventure of The Alarm Distress Baby Scale, which has become a formidable tool for prevention in perinatal and early childhood care.
Danièle Brun
Femininity Restored
A psychoanalyst’s look at femininity, a notion that today is unpopular and above all misunderstood