Guides to help yourself All books

François-Xavier Poudat, Marthylle Lagadec
Sex Out Of Control Overcoming Addiction
A unique practical guide that dares to tackle sex addiction without taboo. Information on sexual addiction, both in terms of research and treatment. Advice on how to deal with possible relapses.

Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.

Christine Mirabel-Sarron
Rebuilding Oneself After a Life-Altering Incident
A very supportive voice, with enough optimism to encourage a beneficial change, and simple advice to instill confidence and to encourage practice.

Roger Zumbrunnen, Éric Malbos
Stop Panicking at the Wheel!
A new edition enhanced with an entire chapter devoted to therapy through virtual reality: the use of 3D environments is particularly well-adapted to the treatment of the fear of driving.