Pedagogy, Education All books

Daniel Bailly
Let’s Stop Making Parents Feel Guilty And Let’s Abolish Educational Norms
Parents need to feel more self-confident and spontaneous so they can focus on their child’s real needs

Alain Bentolila
Language Against Barbarism Teaching Our Children to Live Together
Mastering language skills is crucial to a childs academic and social future. Children who know how to speak, read and write not only know how to think for themselves, they also know how to think with others, to accept them, and to find their own place in society.

Bénédicte de Boysson-Bardies
How Does the Power of Speech Come to Children ?
How does the newborn, from his cradle, perceive the sounds that make up words? How does he hear and extract sounds, and then recognize, organize and analyze them? How does an infant come to understand and reproduce language? How does the power of speech come to children? Benedicte de Boysson Bardies invites the reader to follow the newborn from his first minute of life to his first sentence, retracing step by step the process of acquiring speech. As a psycholinguist, Benedicte de Boysson Bardies specializes in the acquisition of language by young children.

Alain Braconnier
How to Be a Parent love and common sense
The new art of parenting, or how to reconcile love and common sense from infancy to adolescence

Cécile David-Weill
Parents Under the Influence Are we condemned to repeat our parents' education?
Tools to help parents in everyday life, with recommendations and questionnaires. A helpful reflection that liberates us from guilt. A frank, far-sighted and practical guide that understands parents' needs