Psychiatry All books

Barbara Donville
New Paths for Navigating Autism in Children
Autistic children are misunderstood because they think and act in ways that are unfamiliar to the rest of us. A therapist brings her personal experience to the subject in this profound yet practical book.

Jacques Hochmann
Arrangements of Memory Self-Portrait of a Deranged Psychiatrist
An original attempt to blend biographical and professional experiences, by a psychiatrist who promotes a humanist approach to psychiatric illness.

Antoine Lesur
Psychic Distress A New Approach to Care
Should psychic distress be considered a singular emotion? A documented and concrete analysis showing its connections with problems of attachment, guilt, depression, and fear.

Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.

Nicolas Franck
Stress and Mental Health The Odyssey of the 2020 Lockdown
Scientific and historical data to better understand the nature of confinement, this extreme experience imposed on a population.

Bruno Fallisard
Treating Children’s Psychological Suffering
According to a study by the World Health Organization, for children aged 5 to 14, mental illnesses have the greatest impact on their health.

Polo Tonka
I Am the Crazy One
In the vein of his earlier work, the author, a true writer, speaks with great clarity about his mental state, and shares the excesses of it with humor and irony.

Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.