Science All books
Albert Costa
The Bilingual Brain
A fascinating book on what has often been a controversial topic; a lively summary of the state of the art.
Académie d'agriculture de France
The Big Book of Trees and Forests Draw a forest for me
In the same vein as the Grand livre de notre alimentation [The Big Book of Food], this book responds to all our questions on forests.
Joseph Silk
The Big Bang
Silk's story begins with the first moments of the big bang and continues though the formation of the galaxies on to the distant future of our universe. Whether you're looking for an accessible history of the universe, answers to questions about matter and antimatter, quasars, black holes, and others oddities, or simply a fascinating story spanning time and space, you will find The Big Bang hard to put down. Joseph Silk, coauthor of The Left Hand of Creation, teaches astronomy at the University of California at Berkeley.
Carlo Rovelli
Beyond Appearances Quantum Gravity and the Fabric of Reality
Understanding quantum physics with one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists
Pierre Lemarquis
The Benefits of Music for the Brains of Children and Adults
Music shapes and caresses our brain, it contributes to the development of individuals, to learning, to care, at every age in life.
Georges Charpak, Henri Broch
Becoming a Magician is Becoming Wise
Would you like to know how to burn out a light bulb from afar? Would you like to know how to walk barefoot on burning coals without scorching your feet and as comfortably as if you were walking on the softest deep-pile rug? And would you like to understand why this is possible? Magic here has simply switched sides: it no longer belongs to the realm of the supernatural; it has become completely natural.The goal of this book is to make the reader understand that the supernatural does not exist and that it is essential in todays world to be scientifically literate. Georges Charpak, a physicist at CERN, is a winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics. Henri Broch heads the Laboratoire de Zététique at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
Jean-Pierre Changeux
The Beauty in the Brain
"Jean-Pierre Changeux is one of those rare spirits who both challenge and unify." A text containing ideas that are entirely new. Illustrated with many original case studies from the arts and sciences.
Ann Premack, David Premack
The Baby, the Ape and Man
The issue of the differences and similarities between humans and their cousins the chimpanzees governs the definition of human identity. How can this difference be explained? By studying the learning process of chimpanzees and comparing it to that of children, Ann and David Premack were gradually able to discover a series of differences, none of which were radical but when put together showed a yawning gap between the two species. The results they obtained enabled them to reconstruct little by little the sum of the differences that make up human identity. Ann and David Premack are specialists in the study of primates.
Thierry Poibeau
Babel 2.0 Where does machine translation go?
The complexity of natural language and its ambiguities are well designed to confuse the fully rational algorithms of our computers. The
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
The Attentive Brain Improving Concentration With the Neurosciences
Why study attention? Focused attention is rare and precious. It cannot be scattered over a variety of subjects at once...
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
The Attentive Brain Improving Concentration With the Neurosciences
Why study attention? Focused attention is rare and precious...