Science All books
Yves Agid
I Enjoy Getting Older The Brain – Master of Time
• Clear and enlightening explanations for the aging of the brain, the primary agent of overall aging.
Jacques Tassin
I Believe in Trees
A text that translates the sensory experience of an encounter with a tree and renders understandable the importance of its presence and the invisible interaction that connects us to it.
Gérard Berry
The Hyperpower of Computer Science
An attractive (color illustrations) and very instructive book for which Gérard Berry has made use of his experience as a lecturer and a teacher of children 9-12 years-old at a Montessori school. A book that fills a gap in knowledge: quite simply, it helps to understand and better anticipate the great changes that are occurring right before our eyes.
Alain Dupas, Charles Chatelin
Humanity’s Cosmic Destiny
An inspiring, sometimes disconcerting book. A new history of space exploration. A future-oriented look at the evolution of humanity in the light of the evolution of technology, both biological and that regarding space.