Science All books
Yves Quéré
A Shell in the Middle of the Ear Science, Education, and Other Shores
Written with happiness, with multiple formulations and aphorisms, this book is an invitation to meditate on the beauties and contradictions of life.
Isabelle Peretz
Learn Music What’s New in the Neurosciences
The fruit of more than thirty years of research on the neurobiological foundations of music in conjunction with education, which tells us everything about the way in which music acts and transforms our brain.
Jacques Tassin
Think like a Tree
The French author who preceded Wohlleben and his best-seller, pursues his reflection. A small, light, yet profound book for thinking and living better.
Philippe Trouchaud
All specialists agree that hacking incidents are only increasing. This book proposes ways to learn how to protect oneself while acknowledging that zero risk no longer exists.
Henri Atlan
Lectures in Biological and Cognitivist Philosophy Spinozist Configurations
An introduction to both one of the greatest philosophies in history, and to the most current issues in the neurosciences. A new way of thinking about the relationships between the brain and the mind.
Albert Goldbeter
At the Heart of Life Rhythms Oscillating Life
A thorough review of all the mechanisms that regulate the principal life rhythms. In a jargon-free style this book examines the origin of various types of oscillation and shows what unites them, beyond their specific mechanisms.
Roger Penrose
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe The Big Bang and the effect of fashion
Roger Penrose is a world-renowned theoretical physicist. The author of many books on cosmology, he is emeritus professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford.
Alain Ehrenberg
The Mechanics of Passions: The New Contemporary Individualism
The book’s very stimulating thesis: the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain and the neurosciences, which are already playing the role that psychoanalysis played in the twentieth century.