Science All books
Stanislas Dehaene
A Good Head for Maths
This book on experimental psychology is clear and rigorous, precise and alert - it is instructive and incites us to think...
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart’s Brain
The author uses some of the most iconic incidents from Mozart’s life as a springboard to explore the mechanisms of musical perception.
François Ansermet, Pierre Magistretti
The Enigmas of Pleasure Between Psychoanalysis and Neurosciences
A fascinating exploration of some contemporary forms of malaise, individual and collective: destructiveness, fanaticism, violence, as well as boredom, depression, dependence on gadgets, hyperactivity and addictions
Nicolas Danziger
Life Without Pain?
An intellectual and affective journey, paved with unique stories and experiences, and their often amazing outcomes
Olivier Lyon-Caen, Etienne Hirsch
Priority: The Brain From Findings to Treatments
This book advocates the development of a “Brain Programme” with a global approach toward the study and treatment of neurological pathologies, while appealing to public support, with firm political backing, in order to make the realisation of such a programme feasible.
Yves Coppens
How the First Humans Lived
Beautifully illustrated and vividly told, this chronological history of the first humans covers the foremost events...
Michel Zink
Books from the Past, Readings for Today
When you read an ancient text — which is what you do whenever you read anything besides today’s paper or the latest bestseller...
Denis Knoepfler
Narcissus and the Greek City
In this remarkable, erudite and beautifully written investigation, a renowned expert in Ancient Greek history sets out to uncover the true historic origins of a familiar figure from Greek mythology — Narcissus.
Jacques Arnould
The Earth Under Surveillance
he history of space technology (particularly on the subject of spy or reconnaissance satellites) and the hopes and fears raised by space exploration.
Alain Dupas
The New Spatial Conquest
The desire to explore our solar system, with robots and especially with men and women, has become a global one. A new page in the lengthy history of relations between humans and the cosmos is already being written.