Science All books
Pierre Lemarquis
The Benefits of Music for the Brains of Children and Adults
Music shapes and caresses our brain, it contributes to the development of individuals, to learning, to care, at every age in life.
David Elbaz
The Greatest Trick of Light
The universe follows a direction, and that direction does not go toward ever more disorder, as is sometimes suggested.
Bruno Millet-Ilharreguy
Disorders of the Emotional Brain Understanding, Preventing, Healing
Emotion at the heart of psychiatric disease and its treatment.
Lluis Quintana-Murci
The Human People On the genetic traces of migrations, crossbreeding and adaptations
A fascinating overview of what we have learned from genomics, after two decades of amazing progress: an unprecedented leap forward in our knowledge of human diversity and its history.
Fabrice Delaye
The Messenger RNA Revolution Vaccines and New Therapies
Messenger RNA, or the revenge of the outsiders: 40 researchers and entrepreneurs tell of the prodigious discoveries of the last few decades, their current development, and their immediate future.
Anouk Grinberg
The Actor, the Game, and the “I”
The activity of an actor viewed from the wings, told from the inside by one of the greatest French actresses.
Stanislas Dehaene
Conquering the Brain
This book brings together exceptionally beautiful images (close to 100 [voir ci-dessus]), all full color, and the most current knowledge of the brain from research throughout the world.
Jacques Tassin
I Believe in Trees
A text that translates the sensory experience of an encounter with a tree and renders understandable the importance of its presence and the invisible interaction that connects us to it.
Alexandre Meinesz
Protecting Marine Biodiversity
A new approach to the threat of pollution in the Mediterranean by an expert in Mediterranean marine life.
Antonio R. Damasio
Feeling & Knowing Making Minds Conscious
This book brings together the most recent discoveries in the cognitive sciences, neurobiology, psychology, and other fields, while adding the philosophical dimension dear to Antonio Damasio.
Marc Daëron
Life With Others A Look at Immunity
A critical look at what we think we know about the immune system
Pascale Cossart, Fabrice Hyber
The Great Voyage among Microbes
A wonderful introduction to microbiology by an eminent scientist. A richly illustrated work by Fabrice Hybert, very instructive.
Stéphane Mazevet
Exoplanets and Life in the Universe In Search of Our Origins]
The tale of the great advances of the last half-century up to the discovery of extrasolar planets.
Alain Bentolila
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
The conquest of language and writing against the chaos of the world and all its forms of manipulation
Mathias Pessiglione
The Brain Has Its Reasons Which Reason Doesn’t Know
Momo Sapiens, or the brain caught in flagrante delicto of irrationality
Jean Becchio, Bruno Suarez
What is New in Hypnosis From Hypnosis to Consciousness Activation
A subject that arouses very broad interest, approached here without the usual esoteric or spiritualist connotations, backed by the most recent advances in the neurosciences, and with very illuminating clinical cases.