Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology All books
David Elbaz
Another Way of Looking at the Universe The art of seeing the invisible
An overview of the major issues in astrophysics and cosmology. “Dark” matter and energy are undetectable: either they don’t in fact exist, or we don’t know how to see them... Above and beyond the astrophysical phenomena themselves, this book offers epistemological reflections that are only rarely addressed.
David Elbaz
The Greatest Trick of Light
The universe follows a direction, and that direction does not go toward ever more disorder, as is sometimes suggested.
David Elbaz
The 10,001 Nights of the Universe The Dance of the Cosmos
A modern version of Arabian Nights about the latest discoveries of the universe
Alain Dupas, Charles Chatelin
Humanity’s Cosmic Destiny
An inspiring, sometimes disconcerting book. A new history of space exploration. A future-oriented look at the evolution of humanity in the light of the evolution of technology, both biological and that regarding space.