Biology All books
Académie d'agriculture de France
The Big Book of Trees and Forests Draw a forest for me
In the same vein as the Grand livre de notre alimentation [The Big Book of Food], this book responds to all our questions on forests.
Claude Aron
Bisexuality and the Order of Nature
Our sex defines our identity before we are even named - "It's a boy" or "It's a girl" is the traditional welcome we receive in this world. Similarly, throughout our entire life, our gender defines our diverse social roles. Yet, this book shows how nature presents us with only one model, that of bisexuality. Endocrinian manipulations have shown that it is possible to change from one sexuality to another in a reversible manner. This book is key reading in the debate about the genetic character, or not, of homosexuality. Claude Aron, a specialist in in the physiology of reproduction, is also an honorary professor of the Louis-Pasteur University in Strasbourg.
Henri Atlan
Postgenomic Life, or What is Self-organisation?)
We spontaneously associate the idea of organisation with that of human production: the fruit of artistic endeavour or rational planning...
Henri Atlan
Lectures in Biological and Cognitivist Philosophy Spinozist Configurations
An introduction to both one of the greatest philosophies in history, and to the most current issues in the neurosciences. A new way of thinking about the relationships between the brain and the mind.
Alain Berthoz
Creative Inhibition To act is also to inhibit
A neglected concept, inhibition holds the key to our individual and social behaviors. A broad bio-sociological panorama for observing human behavior with fresh eyes.
Joël Bockaert
The Communication of living things
A unique theme, communication, which encompasses all the kingdoms of life: a great opportunity to see them in a different light. If living is about communication, how is hyper-communication shaping the human being of tomorrow?
A. G. Cairns-Smith
Seven Clues to the Origin of Life A Scientific Detective Story
Sherlock Holmes would have certainly been interested to see his deductive methods applied to the resolution of a major scientific mystery: What is the origin of life? A. G. Cairns-Smith, the chemist and author of Genetic Takeover, a definitive technical work on the subject, conducts an investigation directly inspired by the famous detective.
Michel Cassé, Marie-Christine Maurel
Xenobiology Xeno-life
When an astrophysicist encounters a specialist in synthetic biology, they discuss the origins of the universe and of life. The first steps of a new science, whose repercussions could shake our conception of the living and of its evolution.
Jill-Patrice Cassuto
From Mad Cow Disease to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Jill-Patrice Cassuto examines the precursors of BSE and reviews some of the early research into the disease. He also studies the human form of BSE, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal neurodegenerative disorder, and addresses the highly controversial question of ways the disease may be transmitted. This book is not only a scientific overview of current knowledge about BSE. It is also a thorough inquiry into the BSE scare and an examination of the issue of responsibility and of how health issues and risks are dealt with within the European Community. Jill-Patrice Cassuto teaches medicine and heads a clinical hematology service in a university hospital.
Luca Cavalli-Sforza
Genes, People and Languages (Work of the Collège de France)
How is culture passed on ? Is it possible to reconstruct the history of the evolution of the human species using genetic information from existing populations ?