Biology All books

Jacques Tassin
What Do Plants Think About?
There are so many plant lovers out there. This book is the perfect opportunity for them to discover the hidden side of plant life. A concise, well-informed and up-to-date overview of recent botanical research.

Michel Laguës
Water in Daily Life
With the aid of this book, readers will be able to understand some of the most complex and profound ideas of contemporary physics simply by observing water in their daily lives. Michel Laguës is a research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Luc Montagnier
Viruses and Man
Luc Montagnier is the person who, with his team of the Pasteur Institute, discovered in 1983 the virus responsible for AIDS. He tells about the research work which led him to this discovery. He sums up the knowledge we have of this virus, its origin and the way the disease develops. He gives the state of research today and his hopes.