Earth Sciences All books

Françoise Zonabend
The Nuclear Peninsula Three Mile Island, Tchernobyl, Fukushima... and after?
Twenty-five years after her first investigation, the author returns to the French nuclear site at La Hague — and finds it more dangerous than ever

Jacques Tassin
Think like a Tree
The French author who preceded Wohlleben and his best-seller, pursues his reflection. A small, light, yet profound book for thinking and living better.

Jacques Tassin
I Believe in Trees
A text that translates the sensory experience of an encounter with a tree and renders understandable the importance of its presence and the invisible interaction that connects us to it.

Dava Sobel
Galileos Daughter
This is a most unusual biography about Galileos daughter. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was regarded by Albert Einstein not only as the father of modern physics but as the father of all modern science. His eldest child, Virginia, mirrored Galileos own brilliance, industry and sensibility, and by virtue of these qualities became his confidante. Their correspondence, reproduced throughout the book, reveals their intense relationship, based on tender attachment and intellectual stimulation. The little-known life of Maria Celeste gives a human dimension to one of the major seventeenth-century scientists. His struggle with the Church is a lasting symbol of the conflict between science and religion. Galileos Daughter offers a powerful account of papal Rome and of Florentine intellectual life during the time of the Medicis. Dava Sobel is a writer who lives in New York

The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.

Christian Rémésy
Sustainable Food
The author explains how to establish eating habits that are truly preventive.

Pascal Picq
From Darwin to Lévi-Strauss
An appeal by an eminent scientist for greater biodiversity, in Nature and humans

Roland Trompette, Daniel Nahon
Short Stories of the EarthAnd Universe
The mysteries of planet Earth revealed in 37 lively accessible chapters

Daniel Nahon
How to Save Agriculture
Only a radical transformation of agriculture will enable us to feed all of humankind

Daniel Nahon
Gaia’s March From Stone to Humans
The history of the Earth and its land by one of the foremost specialists. It is also, of course, a history of life, climates, a very timely reflection on the exploitation of the Earth and its resources.

Alexandre Meinesz
Protecting Marine Biodiversity
A new approach to the threat of pollution in the Mediterranean by an expert in Mediterranean marine life.