Neuroscience All books
Yves Agid, Pierre Magistretti
The Glial Man A Break in Neuroscientific Thinking
A strong thesis with three-fold implications: a new way of understanding the functioning of the human brain; new bases to better diagnose neuro-psychiatric pathologies; new paths for research into treatments against these diseases.
Pierre-Marie Lledo
The Brain In The 21st Century
Beyond neurobiology, an analysis of the impact of these discoveries not only on the sciences of education, psychology, medicine, but also on theology, marketing, economics ... An essential ethical reflection on the use we must make of this knowledge so as not to distort the foundations of our humanity and also our freedom.
Pierre Lemarquis
Aesthetic Empathy
The powerful impact of art on the human brain, in the light of the latest advances in the neurosciences
Pierre Lemarquis
The Benefits of Music for the Brains of Children and Adults
Music shapes and caresses our brain, it contributes to the development of individuals, to learning, to care, at every age in life.
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart’s Brain
The author uses some of the most iconic incidents from Mozart’s life as a springboard to explore the mechanisms of musical perception.
Bernard Lechevalier
Mozart's Brain
In this book, the author uses episodes from Mozarts life which illustrate a specific aspect of musical perception. He explores the mechanisms of musical memory - how is it mentally possible to memorise a fifteen-minute musical composition for nine voices, in two choirs? Is this ability due to a listening technique? To an emotionally-based one? What mental operations are at work in musical memory, in general? Bernard Lechevalier is a neurologist specialising in neuropsychology, and a professor of neurology and medicine in teaching hospitals.
Bernard Lechevalier
The Pleasure of Music
From Beethoven to Brassens, including Debussy and Duke Ellington, an exploration of musical pleasure, all genres combined, starting with the emotions that it creates in us, and the meaning that it conveys.
Yann Le Cun
When Machines Learn The Revolution of Artificial Neurons and Deep Learning
A fascinating, lucid, and accessible book that takes us into the heart of machines and allows us to discover a new, enthralling world – one that is already our own.
Denis Le Bihan
The Crystal Brain The New Science of Neuroimaging
The latest findings about the brain, as revealed by the new science of neuroimaging
Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.
Steven Laureys
Meditation Exercises to Improve Your Brain
A range of meditation exercises carefully guided by the great neurologist Steven Laureys, enabling a practical implementation, whose duration and level can be adapted.
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
The Attentive Brain Improving Concentration With the Neurosciences
Why study attention? Focused attention is rare and precious. It cannot be scattered over a variety of subjects at once...
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
The Brain’s Balancing Act Understanding and Managing Attention
The keys to attention management for improved concentration in daily life
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
Concentrate, And Your Brain Will Work For You
How can we help young children learn to concentrate? An enjoyable comic book to learn how the brain works. Practical, step-by-step tools to help children learn to concentrate and focus their attention. An approach based on cognitive neurosciences and tested in primary-school classes. A reader-friendly book for a unique concept.
Jean-Philippe Lachaux
The Attentive Brain Improving Concentration With the Neurosciences
Why study attention? Focused attention is rare and precious...
Michel Jouvet
Science and Dreams
The scientist Michel Jouvet recounts his great discoveries and reviews recent research in the science of dreams.
Michel Jouvet
The Sleep, Consciousness and Wakefulness
A major scientific work that offers a sweeping panorama of the state of consciousness, from Hippocrates to the latest findings in neurology.