Physics, Chemistry All books

Édouard Brézin, Sébastien Balibar
Physics Tomorrow
The initiative of the Academy of Sciences, ten eminent French scientists share with us the extraordinary advances of contemporary physics.

Julien Bohdanowicz
Energy in Daily Life
In this book about science in daily life, Julien Bohdanowicz explains that physics can help us understand how waste products have poisoned our environment, but also that it can show us how to treat waste. He makes readers discover the laws of the conservation of energy, which can be summarised in the well-known adage: Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed. Julien Bohdanowicz is an engineering student at the École Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées.

Alain Bécoulet
Nuclear Fusion
The great hope in the realm of energy transition: fusion produces almost no radioactive waste, and doesn’t emit CO2. . .

Éric Baratay
And Man Created the Animal History of a Condition
In this book, Baratay holds a mirror up to humanity. He reviews the changing status of animals throughout human history: from ancient myths about animal domestication to the invention of bullfighting, from the great pastoral epics to modern slaughterhouses, from the ancient role played by animals in the human imagination to modern laboratory testing. Eric Baratay is a historian specialising in the contemporary world and in the status of animals.

Anatole Abragam
Physics Before Everything New Edition
A. Abragam's autobiography is a fascinating introduction to the world of physics. We follow the uprooted Russian pupil through trial and discovery, witnessing his transformation into accomplished physician. An inspiring work for the moments of pure discovery, when proven evidence seems to magically match theoretical predictions.