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Stéphanie Hahusseau
How to Stop Yourself Spoiling Your Life
Our lives are governed by patterns and beliefs which we have inherited from childhood and which, without our knowledge, make us repeat the same mistakes and relive the same distress. Stéphanie Hahusseau breaks down such patterns in this concise self-help book, which aims to help us change our lives. Illustrated with numerous case studies, the advice offered here is always concrete and specific. It should help us embark on a journey of self-discovery and to put an end to what makes us suffer. Stéphanie Hahusseau is a psychiatrist practising in Toulouse.
Luc Ferry, Xavier Darcos, Claudie Haigneré
A letter to all those who like school To explain the current reforms
Our education system was and still is today one of the best in the world. However, it is now experiencing new problems, which have been consistently denied as a result of both political point scoring and a lack of courage. Dare we suggest that the true reasons for these indisputable difficulties actually come, for the most part, from the school itself ? What is the solution ? How can teachers be helped to do their best so that their pupils perform better ?" Luc Ferry
Élisabeth Badinter
The Wrong Road
Badinters new book is a candid review of 15 years of feminist discussion and polemics. From womens point of view, what real progress has been accomplished in the last 15 years? Do the feminist voices that are most often heard today express the concerns of the majority of women? What image of women and men are these feminist voices trying to promote? What model of sexuality do they wish to impose? Are we witnessing the return of the old male and female stereotypes, at womens expense?
Jean-Marie Bourre
The Dietetics of the Brain
How should you eat to improve how you think? This book sounds the death knell of repressive rules of nutrition and celebrates the joys of the food-loving, gourmet brain. What is the greatest nutritional risk? An unbalanced diet. By providing the keys to proper nutrition, this book shows the way to greater mental awareness, energy, health and fulfilment, while respecting the real needs of both the body and the brain that most crucial organ. Throughout the book, pleasure (adapted to every budget) remains one of the authors main concerns. Jean-Marie Bourre heads a research team specialising in the chemistry of the brain, at INSERM.