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Charles Millon
Internal Peace
With regard to those who deny the fundamental and cardinal principals of law, which are the absolute respect of the dignity of the human person, the respect of each man whatever his race, class or religion and the eminent and equal dignity of each person; with regard to those who adopt a mindset of hatred, of cynicism and contempt, it is not only out of the question to collude with these people in any way, it is also necessary to fight against them and have the courage to exclude them. Charles Millon, a former Defence Minister and currently deputy mayor of Belley, gives us in this book an insight into his analysis of politics, his personal agenda, his strategy, and his proposals for the law, and for France, so that each one of us can make a judgement with full knowledge of the facts.
Patrick Lemoine
Right of Sanctuaries
This book is a detailed reconstruction of daily life at the Asile du Vinatier, a psychiatric institution near Lyon, from 1937 to 1945, a period marked by the earliest institutional attempts to treat mental illness. It was also the time when the blindness of administrative rules, the meanness of politicians, and the indifference of society at large resulted in a collective drama: the gradual extermination of mental patients. Patrick Lemoine is a psychiatrist and department head at the Hôpital du Vinatier in Lyon.
Lucy-Anna Kukstas
Shape and Show The Powers and Limitations of Diets and Exercise
Were we really meant to spend our lives depriving ourselves of what we want to eat while forcing ourselves to do painful physical exercises ? In this lively, humorous book, mixing common-sense with the latest findings in medical research, Lucy-Anna Kukstas exposes the folly of the ideology of suffering and deprivation. She urges the reader to follow a new life-style for the third millennium based on a new golden rule - that of pleasure.
Pierre Buser
The Brain : Yours and Others
This book is both a careful review of the numerous debates that have stirred--and continue to stir--the cognitive sciences, and a personal essay. The author has tried to elaborate an original theory of psychic activity, based, on the one hand, on the cognitive conscious and the cognitive unconscious, and, on the other, on the cognitive unconscious and the affective unconscious. Pierre Buser, a former director of the Institut des neurosciences at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, is Professor Emeritus at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, and a member of the Académie des Sciences.