Results for the keyword global economy
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
Jean-Marc Daniel
The State of Connivance Abolishing Rentier Capitalism
How to make the transition from rentier capitalism to competitive capitalism?
Jean-Pierre Petit
The Stock Exchange Renewal and Rupture
The current stock market crisis followed the period of fastest growth in world markets in history. How can this be explained? And what does it indicate for the future? While the bullish market that preceded the crisis was hyper-inflationist, we are now experiencing a period of deflation, a drop following on the heels of a vertiginous rise. In this respect, Petits interpretation is that of the regulationists: the crisis is one of confidence. He also describes how the crisis has revealed structural weaknesses in various countries. Jean-Pierre Petit is head of economic research for the investment company Exane.
Philippe Moreau Desfarges
The Temptation to Withdraw: Globalization, Deglobalization
Accounts of globalization abound. This original synthesis reveals its dark side and provides a different perspective, that of a rejection of globalization. Philippe Moreau-Defarges is a born popularizer, and works expertly with his subject.
Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette, Rémy Lecat
The True Impacts of Growth Toward an Awakening?
A condensed look at what you should know to understand what is at stake in the current debate on growth