Results for the keyword self-awareness

The Dalaï-lama, Thubten Chödrön
Buddhism One Teacher, Many Traditions
The diverse expressions of the Buddha's teachings

Christophe André
Come Meditate with Us Meditation with the Experts
Assembled for the first time in a single volume, twenty-one leading figures in the world of meditation, who share their meditation secrets, including their doubts and the difficulties they, themselves, have encountered.

Christophe André
Don’t forget to be happy! The ABC of Positive Psychology
The keys to harmony with oneself

Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.

Lionel Naccache
Inner Cinematography and Awareness
A skillful book in which the author makes use of the most current resources of the neurosciences to understand the cerebral and psychological mechanisms that create our representation of the world and our awareness.

Christian de Duve, Jean Vandenhaute
On Science and Other Matters
In these posthumously published interviews, the late Christian De Duve, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, gives his views on some of the major issues of our times