Results for the keyword sociology

Robert Rochefort
A Disorientated France
This book argues that France is seeking an impossible model: on one hand, it wishes to hold fast to its exception, constituting a society which is unlike other western ones. Yet, on the other hand, France is not only obliged to accept neo-liberal globalisation, but it actively participates in doing so, through its large industrial and banking groups. Though constantly seeking to act rationally and to be the master of its fate, the future of Descartes country is probably as unpredictable as the trajectory of a billiard ball, no matter how talented the player wielding the cue may be.

Barbara Polla
A Woman First
A unique, personal and passionate approach to a fundamental question: the position of the two sexes, face to face and in the world.

Claude Hagège
Against Uniform Thinking
The threat of uniform thinking, relayed notably through the English language, should lead us to react in defence of linguistic and cultural diversity.

Raphaële Miljkovitch, François Poisson
Another Path To Parenting For Mindful and Thoughtful Education
An original concept of parenting