Results for the keyword transhumanism

Hélène Merle-Béral
The Biology of Immortality Who wants to be immortal?
Immortality is no longer what it used to be. This brief history introduces the proponents and the implications of it. Life can be prolonged; medical science is constantly proving this; but it cannot thwart the great laws of biology.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Dare to Live, Dare to Die Taking hold of death in order to live fully
The delicate issue of choosing to die is raised, explained, and critiqued. A generous book with lively prose, including many anecdotal stories.

Éric Nataf
The Hidden Son of the Moon
A space odyssey combining suspense, surprise guests, horror, revenge, and even humor, with very well-documented scientific data.

Patrice Debré
Revolutions in Biology and the Human Condition
A reflection on the prowess and the promises of biotechnologies, this text also casts a critical light on the transhumanist project.

Alexandre Moatti
The Roots of Transhumanism France 1930-1980
Transhumanism and “augmented man” were already controversial subjects in the Belle Époque… An invaluable history for an understanding of what is truly at play behind this technoscientific fantasy.

René deSaint-Jean
Tomorrow, You Will Be Immortal
A dystopia full of plot twists that enable us to imagine what might be the outcome and consequences of a world without death.

Pascal Picq
Who will take power? Great apes, Politicians or Robots
Like Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind… with a dash of humour and a knowledge of prehistory too! Transhumanism, which is at the core of this book, is the subject of the moment.
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books