Results for the keyword Ussr
Éric Crubézy, Dariya Nikolaeva
Archeology of the Vanquished or History of the Victor?
An analysis of natural selection, the evolution of societies, and adaptation to climate and the environment. A different way of looking at history, by questioning what ensures the survival of certain societies facing extreme natural conditions as well as invasions and colonization.
Rachel Mazuy
Believing Rather Than Seeing ? Travels in Soviet Russia (1919-1939)
The Russian Revolution provided the working-class movement with a concrete model of socialism. For French militants, as well as for many members of the cultural and political elite, the Soviet Union became the goal of a secular pilgrimage (or an anti-pilgrimage). This book tells the story of those travellers. Who went on such trips? How and why? To what extent did the trip influence their political and social development? Rachel Mazuy is a lecturer at the Institut dEtudes Politiques, in Paris, and teaches at the Lycée Honoré Balzac, Paris.
Édouard Chevardnadzé
The Future is Freedom
Why did the former Soviet Union allow itself to be led to the emancipation of the peoples of Central Europe? Why would it accept the reunification of Germany? How did it find the pathway to alliance with the United States? Under what conditions will it be able to master economic crisis and political instability? A lucid look at what is becoming of our world, by one of the authors of change in the East, the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Soviet Union.
Michel Meyer
The Secret History of the Fall of the Berlin Wall New Edition 2019
In Berlin, on the night of 9th to 10th November 1989, the world was radically changed when the ‘Wall of Shame’ came down without a struggle. A year later, German reunification was joyfully celebrated, the Cold War came to an end and the Soviet Union collapsed.
Results : 1 to 6 from 6 books