Results for the keyword well-being

Gaëtan Cousin, Konstantin Büchler
Calm Down Or, How to Fight Against Inner Agitation
Aimed at an educated general audience, a book that avoids both simplism and hermetical discourse, with a seriously documented foundation that is pleasantly accessible.

Christophe André
Don’t forget to be happy! The ABC of Positive Psychology
The keys to harmony with oneself

Marie Rose Moro, Jean-Louis Brison
For the Well-Being and Health of Young People
A new approach to well-being as a condition for the academic success of our children: one learns better when one feels good!

Amartya Sen
The Land Where Boys Are Kings
A universal message taking India as a case study . A message of universality and openness that applies also to Europe in these times of nationalism and the rise of extreme politics.

Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.

Charles Martin-Krumm, Ilona Boniwell
Motivated Adolescents The Benefits of Positive Psychology
A method for a truly fulfilling education