Animals All books

Patrick Pageat
Man and his Dog
How can you teach your dog to live in the house, to obey, to walk on a lead, to be clean ? What should you do if he constantly barks or if he destroys everything in the house ? Should you punish him ? Can this be cured ? What if he is depressed, anxious or stressed ? Is a dog who bites aggressive by nature ? What goes on in a dogs head ? How can we understand him, and how much does he understand of our language ? Why do dogs become attached to humans ? A book which provides practical advice in training and educating your dog, in addition to being an indispensable tool for a harmonious relationship between a happy master and a well-adjusted dog. A vet and ethologist, Patrick Pageat is the founder of the French School for the Behaviour of Dogs.

Claude Béata
Dog Psychology Stress, anxiety and depression
Many dogs suffer from such psychological problems as phobias, hyperactivity, separation anxiety and depression. This book recounts the stories of seven dogs, whose behaviour had become so erratic that their owners were on the verge of getting rid of them. Their veterinarian (the author) presents their stories as an investigation, taking the reader back to the origin of each disorder and then describing the form of therapy he used to enable each dog and its owner to cohabit in harmony. Written in a lively, often humorous style, this practical book will help readers understand the emotional life and behaviour of dogs. The chapters are presented in the form of accessible stories interspersed with sidebars containing relatively more technical information. Claude Béata is a behaviourist veterinarian and a member of the European College of Behaviourist Veterinarians. A specialist in emotional attachment, he is the co-author, with Boris Cyrulnik, of several interdisciplinary studies in comparative pathology.