Plans, Diet All books

Nathalie Hutter-Lardeau
Thin at Last! Slimming Coaching for Women
A weight-loss method with a novel approach that will appeal to every woman who has felt let down by a traditional diet

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming: It’s All in the Mind
If to stay slim all one had to do was lose weight, then everyone (or nearly everyone) would succeed.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming: It's All in the Head New, revised and enlarged edition
Perhaps you think that if fat people wish to become thin all they have to do is lose weight - and to lose weight they just have to follow a slimming diet...

Jacques Fricker
Slimming With The 2-4-7 Diet
A balanced, original, serious and delicious diet grounded in scientific research

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming is simple and in your head
A visionary approach that very early on stressed the importance of the relationship between the body and the psyche in problems relating to weight-loss.

Lucy-Anna Kukstas
Shape and Show The Powers and Limitations of Diets and Exercise
Were we really meant to spend our lives depriving ourselves of what we want to eat while forcing ourselves to do painful physical exercises ? In this lively, humorous book, mixing common-sense with the latest findings in medical research, Lucy-Anna Kukstas exposes the folly of the ideology of suffering and deprivation. She urges the reader to follow a new life-style for the third millennium based on a new golden rule - that of pleasure.