Plans, Diet All books

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming: It’s All in the Mind
If to stay slim all one had to do was lose weight, then everyone (or nearly everyone) would succeed.

Gérard Apfeldorfer, Jean-Philippe Zermati
Lies, Dukan Diet and nonsenses
The truth about diets — and about how they can damage your health

Réginald Allouche
The Love of Sugar and the Risk of Diabetes
How to avoid developing diabetes: identifying the first warning signs and understanding our craving for sugar

Académie d'agriculture de France
The Big Book of Trust in Food Everything you want to know about our food
All the questions asked about food, in 100 little chapters written by thirty experts. As the book is still being defined, we do not yet know who will undertake its promotion, nor how…