Geography All books
Mario Polèse, Richard Shearmur, Laurent Terral
French Territorial Equality Paris and the rest of the country
How in less than half a century France restored territorial equilibrium between Paris and the rest of the country
Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
Serious, provocative, and sardonic all at the same time, this book denounces religions of all persuasions and invites everyone to assume responsibility.
Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
A fascinating and ambitious book, which gives back meaning to disparate and disturbing realities: the rise in protectionisms and nationalisms, the exacerbation of radicalisms by social networks, ecological and health challenges, etc…
Jacques Lévy, Jean-Nicolas Fauchille, Ana Póvoas
A Theory of Spatial Justice The Geography of the Just and the Unjust
An exciting and very timely work that challenges many received ideas, notably on the “territorial breakdown” denounced by so-called experts.
Frédéric Lasserre, Alexandre Brun
The Geopolitics of Water/Sharing Water Water – a source of conflicts
Water: a major geopolitical issue in the twenty-first century. Will it take “water wars” to impose an equitable distribution of resources?
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books