Geopolitics and Strategy All books
Jacques Lévy
The Ethical Turning Point and the World Society
A fascinating and ambitious book, which gives back meaning to disparate and disturbing realities: the rise in protectionisms and nationalisms, the exacerbation of radicalisms by social networks, ecological and health challenges, etc…
Bernard Lewis
Faith and Power Religion and Politics in the Middle East
One of the greatest experts on the Middle East revisits the great question of Islam and its clash with the West
Jacques Delors
France and Germany - the Leap Forward
"During the past fifty years, the Franco-German ship has been shaken by numerous storms--although they never seriously halted her forward movement. In our opinion, strengthening the friendship between our two countries and working towards European political union will not lead to the loss of our French and German identities, nor will it dampen their vitality, for there can be no great design unless our national communities are fully alive and strengthened by a sense of social and citizens' cohesion." Jacques Delors
Thierry deMontbrial, Thomas Gomart
France and the National Interest Is France’s foreign policy still guided by our own interests?
Fundamental to the upcoming presidential elections in the context of war in the Middle East and Africa, and of domestic insecurity. The book will be supported and promoted by the IFRI (Institut français de relations internationales).
Christian Sautter
France Reflected in Japan Growth or Decline
Where does the formidable Japanese resistance to unemployment come from? How can their persistence be explained when Japan, like all developed countries, is faced with robotization, technological revolutions and, more recently, competition in the form of young populations in neighboring countries? This should give France pause for thought: as starkly contrasted as these two cultures may seem, France and Japan are sister countries. Thus reflected in the mirror of Japan, France can discover that its decline need not be fatal, and that it is up to France to break with a decrepit conservatism and embrace growth. Christian Sautter is the director of studies at the Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales (EHESS).
Maurice Vaïsse
French Diplomacy Tools and Participants Since 1980
A complete and documented view of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of French diplomatic policy. A diplomatic history of the Fifth Republic, from the 1970s to the present.
Fareed Zakaria
The Future of Freedom
Is it really so that more democracy leads automatically to more freedom ? Why, in the four corners of the world, are we now seeing an increased capacity for religion to mobilise the people ? Why, in Europe as in the United States, do we have minorities and oligarchies reigning in the name of the people ? Why has there been an increase in the number of regimes which are born from the polling booth, yet which exalt fanaticism, repression and war ? A dazzling world tour of the geo-political horizon, and also a lesson in modern and contemporary history, which we lead us to reexamine our own prejudices. Fareed Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International and was formerly the managing director of the review Foreign Affairs.
Frédéric Lasserre, Alexandre Brun
The Geopolitics of Water/Sharing Water Water – a source of conflicts
Water: a major geopolitical issue in the twenty-first century. Will it take “water wars” to impose an equitable distribution of resources?
Bertrand Badie
Globalized Powers Rethinking International Security
A strong thesis: only States that are truly committed to globalization will be able to protect their fellow citizens effectively.
Edward N. Luttwak
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire
A highly enjoyable book for anyone wishing to delve into the complexities of the Byzantine Empire, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages.
Bertrand Badie
Hegemony Challenged New Forms of International Domination
An original look at recent developments in current affairs, whether it is “Trumpism,” the emergence of authoritarian leaders such as Putin, Erdogan, or Orban, and at an international scene that appears particularly chaotic.
Pierre Grosser
The History of the World is Made in Asia Another vision of the twentieth century
A "de-westernized" story: many episodes that are often overlooked are described here — the Russian civil war in the Far East, the Anglo-Japanese confrontation in Manchuria, the harshness of the Korean War…
Pierre Grosser
The History of the World is Made in Asia Another vision of the twentieth century
A "de-westernized" story: many episodes that are often overlooked are described here — the Russian civil war in the Far East, the Anglo-Japanese confrontation in Manchuria, the harshness of the Korean War…
Jean-Claude Cousseran, Philippe Hayez
Intelligence and Intelligence Gathering in Democracies
A thoroughly researched, pedagogical work for anyone interested in Intelligence
Jean-Claude Cousseran, Philippe Hayez
Intelligence Handbook
For the first time, the real practice of intelligence comes in out of the shadows. Very timely issues, from the international fight against terrorism to cyberthreats and economic intelligence.
Jacques Blamont
Introduction au siècle des menaces
Although the confrontation between rich and poor is universal, it can be heightened by various factors. According to Jacques Blamont, the widening technological gap between the poor and rich nations is one such aggravating factor. The revolution in information technology has been largely responsible, because it has helped to concentrate more and more power and wealth in the hands of the few - particularly in the United States. Blamont lists various potentially threatening situations that are converging to create an explosion such as the world has never seen before. These include: the demographic growth of the very poor, the ageing population in the developed countries, new climatic risks that are endangering the environment, the spread of new epidemics as a result of globalisation, and the limited effects of the military strategies adopted by the most powerful nations. Step by step, the author deconstructs the hellish machine that our children will inherit from us - because we put too much faith in technological progress. Jacques Blamont is a member of the French Academy of Science and a professor at the University of Paris-VI. He is one of the fathers of the French space programme and was formerly the scientific director of the CNES. He is most notably the author of Vénus dévoilée and Le Chiffre et le Songe.
Samantha Besson
Inventing Europe Collège de France Autumn Colloquium 2021
This book was published under the direction of Samantha Besson, current occupant of the International Institutional Law Chair at the Collège de France
André Miquel
Itinerary of an Arabist
The exemplary journey of a great scholar, historian, and man of letters, a lover of the Arabic language, of which he is one of the greatest translators into French, notably of the Thousand and One Nights.