Human Sciences All books

Michel Godet, Patrick Miliotis
Good News Territories Prize-Winning 2018
The 2018 Grand Prize honoured thirteen winners, whose beautiful, powerful and reproducible stories are told here.

Michel Godet
Freeing the Job Market
Unemployment in France can be brought down to 5%. Michel Godet’s method shows how to ‘free the job market’

Michel Godet
The Impact of 2006 Demographics, Growth, Employment
France is undergoing a major recession on all fronts, according to Michel Godet. And it is pointless to blame globalisation, European construction or technological change. The demographic watershed of 2006, when the retirement-pension system will explode, will reveal decades of wasteful mismanagement. For how, he asks, can hope remain if there are no human beings?How can sustainable development be assured within a truly participatory democracy? This iconoclastic, inflamed indictment is above all a voluntarists message of lucidity and hope. Michel Godet holds the chair of futurology at CNAM.

Michel Godet, Jean-Claude Bouly
Good News Territories
The eleven local initiatives described here are eleven uniquely inspiring models for anyone wishing to start a business in France

Hervé Glasel
Academic Success for All Cognitive Sciences and Children with Learning Difficulties
How can children with learning difficulties be helped? The neurosciences offer a number of concrete solutions for teachers and parents

Éric Giuily
A Question of Spin Winning Strategies, Losing Strategies
A leading expert reveals in six crucial points how to communicate convincingly

Robert Germinet
An Apprenticeship in the Uncertain
"When I got my degree from the Ecole des Mines, I didn't know how to do anything with my hands. But there was nothing surprising about that: I was an unalloyed product of French teaching methods. I realised that it would be useful to teach students not to be afraid to get their hands dirty: to educate future engineers by first of all inculcating in them an experimental approach to science. The idea was to send them out into the field, dressed in workers' overalls; to make them share in the concerns of the technicians, as well as in management's problems: in short, to make them ingenious engineers." Georges Charak Robert Germinet, who holds a doctorate in physics, is the director of the Ecoles des Mines, Nantes, and regional director for industry, research and the environment for the Pays de la Loire.

Édouard Gentaz
The True Contribution of Neuroscience to School A Neuromyth?
A clear and practical book, based on several multidisciplinary studies, which critically evaluates the true contribution of neuroscience to teaching and learning.

Gisèle Gelbert
Speaking, Reading, Writing In Other Words
A completely original approach to aphasic language disorders...