Human Sciences All books

Jean Guilaine
Women of the Past Images, myths and realities of the Neolithic woman
A book by one of the most renowned specialists of the protohistoric period, to help understand women’s place in the first sedentary societies of the Neolithic period.

Irène Grenet
The New World of Advertising
A book for the general public on a universal theme, by an informative and precise specialist.

Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai, Camille Macaire
The End of the Hegemony of the Dollar
Fascinating developments on the most innovative elements of Chinese finance and its digital economy.

Hippolyte D'Albis, Françoise Benhamou
Economists respond to populists
In the arena where populists are rampant, the economic question is at the heart of the denunciation of the elites and 'their' policy...

Jean-Louis André
Eating – What a Story!
A book for those who are interested in food and cuisine as social phenomena in contemporary history, from a unique angle.

Alexandre Stern
Who Are You, Homo sapiens? Understanding Our Nature In Order to Live Better
After telling how the art of cooking had humanized, civilized our ancestral apes, Alexandre Stern explores the roots of our humanity to better examine our modern practices and ways of life.

Dominique Rousseau
Six Theses in Favor of Continuous Democracy
The question of a change in constitution has often been raised: it is entirely relevant in the electoral campaigns of 2022...

Alain Bentolila
For a School of Resistance
An original and documented program of education policy that offers a response to the success of disinformation and extremisms confronting the young.

Patrick Artus, Marie-Paule Virard
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Innovative analyses of the economic mechanisms that we struggle to understand regarding the debt, the rise of inequalities, monetary policy, etc.

Laurent Danon-Boileau
When the Subject Speaks
Why do we speak? This banal question nonetheless encompasses a multiplicity of meanings.

Élie Cohen
Industrial Sovereignty
How can we escape our economic dependency and regain our industrial sovereignty? What substance should be given to this “strategic autonomy” that the French and the Germans henceforth hope will be achieved?

Pierre-André Taguieff
Philo-Semitism Is Philo-Semitism an Antisemitism?
The ambiguities surrounding the Jewish question emanating from intellectuals and so-called “philo-semititic” personalities are closely analyzed here, in light of ever more troubling current events. A strong and disturbing book.

Bernard Jarry-Lacombe, Jean-Marie Bergère, François Euvé, Hubert Tardieu
The Digital Serving the Common Good
Beyond the technology alone, this book aims to question the ethical, societal and ultimately anthropological ramifications of the new tools of modernity...

Marc Crépon
The Desire to Resist A Critical Mind for Our Times
The struggle against all forms of authority, a critical mind, and the ability to think for ourselves, are the best weapons against those who want to convince us of our insignificance.

The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.

James Teboul, Philippe Damier
The Mirage of Leadership Challenged by Neuroscience
To assume their role effectively, managers must know how to take into account the predispositions and biases that make them act, and thus understand them, and work resolutely against the grain of their natural inclinations.