Human Sciences All books
Karine Berger, Manuel Alduy, Caroline Le Moign
The stateless culture From Modiano to Google
A profound analysis that questions the nature of culture (neither business, nor entertainment) and what a cultural policy worthy of the name should be.
Henri Guaino
Putting an End to the Sacrifice Economy
An important work of economics, of very political economics, to feed reflection and fire debate.
Jean Guilaine, Chantal Alibert
Paul Tournal, The Inventor Of Prehistory
A clear and accessible account of the obstacles endured by the inventor of prehistory, in particular in overcoming disbelief in the existence of fossilised human remains.
Monique Dagnaud
The Californian Paradigm How the spirit of cooperation can change the world
An original reflexion on California as a new social and political model. A high-quality argument on the possibility of an alternative economy and society that is more cooperative and egalitarian.
Philippe Moati
The Sick Hyperconsumer Society
Hyperconsumption undermines social cohesion and “living together”
Armand Laferrère
Political Reading of the Bible
The Bible is not just a spiritual treasure it is also a political manual for our times.
Jacques deLarosière
50 Years of Financial Crisis french version
From Breton Woods to the Lehman Brothers collapse, the true story of 50 years of financial crisis
Jean-François Gayraud
The Art of Financial War
Finance is waging a war of encroachment against populations and states