Human Sciences All books
Claude Allègre, Patrick Artus, Jean-Louis Borloo, Yves Cochet, Vincent Courtillot, Jean Jouzel, Jacques Le Cacheux
Ecological quarrels and political choices
Polemics over global warming, the security of nuclear power plants after Fukushima, the depletion of reserves of non-renewable raw materials continue to fuel public concern without succeeding in establishing shared objective representations...
Jean-Jacques Urvoas, Magali Alexandre
Survival Handbook for the French National Assembly The Art of Parliamentary Guerrilla Warfare
In the corridors of power of the National Assembly, we encounter Jean-François Copée, Arnaud Montebourg, Bernard Accoyer, among other French politicians.
George Akerlof, Robert Shiller
Phishing for Phools The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Deception lies at the heart of the economy
Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.
Michel Aglietta, Guo Bai, Camille Macaire
The End of the Hegemony of the Dollar
Fascinating developments on the most innovative elements of Chinese finance and its digital economy.
Michel Aglietta, Thomas Brand
A New Deal for Europe
This book poses a burning question: is European construction still a common goal, shared by all the E.U. states and legitimised by their citizens?
Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal
Philippe Aghion, Gilbert Cette, Élie Cohen
Manifesto for a New Economic Policy
A vital social and economic programme
Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel
The Power of Creative Destruction A publishing event in Economics!
This book brings together five years of courses at the Collège de France and more than thirty years of research and instruction on “the economy of creative destruction.” It is Philippe Aghion’s seminal work.
Jean Adès
Sin and Madness The Psychopathology of the Deadly Sins
A unique and fascinating approach to psychiatry and psychic suffering