Archaeology, Paleontology, Prehistory All books
Yves Coppens
Memory of a Mammoth Science, past and present
The latest memoir by Yves Coppens. With 40 tastes of science and history. With 40 illustrations, maps and photos.
Maurice Taieb, Doris Barboni
Once Upon a Time There Was Lucy
The discovery of Lucy told to children by one of her historic discoverers. Illustrations by Cécile Gambini.
Jean Guilaine
Women of the Past Images, myths and realities of the Neolithic woman
A book by one of the most renowned specialists of the protohistoric period, to help understand women’s place in the first sedentary societies of the Neolithic period.
Ludovic Slimak
Neanderthal Uncovered
Neanderthal Man as he truly was; an innovative and enthralling book, which takes us on a journey through space and time with our “human brother.”
Ludovic Orlando
Fossil DNA, a Time Machine
DNA sequencing isn’t of use only to doctors and biologists. It has become an essential tool for paleontologists and archeologists: for it is a true time machine.
Marcel Otte
The Metamorphoses of Humans
A light shed by prehistory on the profound nature of humans, their relationship to the natural world, their appetite for conquest, but also their passion for challenges and their inventiveness.
Pascal Picq
And Evolution Created Woman Sexual Coercion and Violence in Men
An accessible, compelling assessment of what has been learned concerning the relationships between the sexes/genders from an evolutionary point of view.
Yves Coppens
The Scholar, the Fossil, and the Prince From the Lab to Palaces
A storyteller with amazing talent, a scientist who is happy to reveal to the greatest of figures other facets of his personality: adventurous, refined, and full of humor.
Éric Crubézy
At the Origins of Funerary Rituals Seeing, Hiding, Making Sacred
From prehistory to history, descriptions of funeral rituals, known or less so, with first-hand documentation.
Jean Guilaine
Memoirs of a Protohistorian In Search of Peoples Without Writing
By one of the preeminent specialists in protohistory, the tale of a simple passion for archeology in the Mediterranean region, fed by a deep attachment to the peasant world and to childhood.
Raymonde Bonnefille
Following Lucy Expeditions in Ethiopia
A unique account by one of the few women to have actively participated in the great archeological expeditions in the Omo Valley in the 1970s.
Marcel Otte
The Audacity of Sapiens: How Humanity Was Formed
It is time to bring back thought, responsibility, and courage to a consideration of the prodigious human adventure.
Yves Coppens
Origins of Man: Origins of a Man Memoirs
Richly illustrated, the memoirs of a great paleontologist, a man of exceptional breadth and an indefatigable story-teller, world-renowned prehistorian, and award-winning French scientist. The story of a life dedicated entirely to studying, explaining, reconstituting, understanding, telling about, and conveying the history of human beings, and the mystery of our origins.
Jean Guilaine
Protohistory The Awakening of the West (7000-2000 BCE)
An original, in-depth, richly-documented study of menhirs and dolmens, of the “religion” of the people of the Neolithic, of the origins of political power, and of the organization of social hierarchy
Éric Crubézy, Dariya Nikolaeva
Archeology of the Vanquished or History of the Victor?
An analysis of natural selection, the evolution of societies, and adaptation to climate and the environment. A different way of looking at history, by questioning what ensures the survival of certain societies facing extreme natural conditions as well as invasions and colonization.
Henry de Lumley
The Domestication of Fire
A reference work, lavishly illustrated, on one of the most essential subjects in the history of mankind. The author is one of the greatest paleontologists of the time, and a passionate researcher. The domestication of fire is a subject of interest to a wide public.