Economics and Finance All books

Philippe Moati
The Sick Hyperconsumer Society
Hyperconsumption undermines social cohesion and “living together”

Jacques deLarosière
50 Years of Financial Crisis french version
From Breton Woods to the Lehman Brothers collapse, the true story of 50 years of financial crisis

Jean-François Gayraud
The Art of Financial War
Finance is waging a war of encroachment against populations and states

Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal

George Akerlof, Robert Shiller
Phishing for Phools The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Deception lies at the heart of the economy

Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and innovation in France 2016 Futuris 2016
The tenth annual instalment in a series dedicated to research and innovation.

Philippe Askenazy
Let’s All Become Rentiers! For a New Distribution of Wealth
A fascinating book — and a powerful stand against growing inequality

Yves Jacquin Depeyre
Fiscal Appeasement
The author urges the French to get rich and to become less hostile toward taxation