Economics and Finance All books

Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and Innovation in France FutuRIS 2014-2015
The latest on research and innovation in France, described in the ninth edition of FutuRIS’s yearbook

Michel Godet, Jean-Claude Bouly
Good News Territories
The eleven local initiatives described here are eleven uniquely inspiring models for anyone wishing to start a business in France

Christian Saint-Étienne
France 3.0 React, Renew, Reinvent
If French recovery is to succeed economic reforms must go hand-in-hand with political reforms

Christian Schmidt
Understanding Our Interactions
A book at the crossroads of economics and philosophy that attempts to understand interaction between individuals, and the consequences this may have on economics and finance.

Jean-Marc Daniel
The State of Connivance Abolishing Rentier Capitalism
How to make the transition from rentier capitalism to competitive capitalism?

Françoise Zonabend
The Nuclear Peninsula Three Mile Island, Tchernobyl, Fukushima... and after?
Twenty-five years after her first investigation, the author returns to the French nuclear site at La Hague — and finds it more dangerous than ever