Economics and Finance All books

Michel Godet
Freeing the Job Market
Unemployment in France can be brought down to 5%. Michel Godet’s method shows how to ‘free the job market’

Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
The Research and Innovation in France FutuRIS 2013
The latest on research and innovation in France, described in the 2013 edition of FutuRIS’s annual opus

Christian de Perthuis, Pierre-André Jouvet
Green Capital
The indispensable book to understand the green economy and boost economic growth

Christian Saint-Étienne
The iConomic Revolution France Faces the Third Industrial Revolution
Following the success of France: Etat d’urgence, a new polemical work on the state of the French economy, by Christian Saint-Etienne

Karine Berger, Valérie Rabault
France Strikes Back For a More Competitive France
How can France recover its status as one of the world’s five most competitive nations?

Didier Tabuteau
Health as Political Model
This exemplary X-ray of French healthcare argues for a total overhaul of the system

Jean-Marie Chevalier, Patrice Geoffron
Energy Transitions Making the Right Choices
French leaders need to make the right energy choices — if they don’t the current economic crisis will only become worse

Michel Aglietta, Thomas Brand
A New Deal for Europe
This book poses a burning question: is European construction still a common goal, shared by all the E.U. states and legitimised by their citizens?