Economics and Finance All books

Françoise Benhamou
The Star-System Economy
We live in an age that spends fortunes on its stars. But why do we get the impression that the fees that stars receive and their popularity correspond less and less to their talent? Why does stardom seem to have so little to do with creativity and quality? Françoise Benhamou is an economist.

Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani
Disorientated Finance
This book analyses the events that shook French and international finance during the last twenty-five years of the twentieth century. In a straightforward style, eschewing all clichés, the author shows why Pierre Bérégovy was instrumental in bringing about the revolution in French finance, how Edouard Balladurs closest followers created a caste which is now in control of upper management, and how they prevented the creation of pension funds in other words, how they prevented the realisation of the Gaullist dream of participation and finally, how and why U.S. banks have managed to take over financial control of large French businesses. Antoine Jeancourt-Galignani is now chairman of the board of directors of GECINA.