Economics and Finance All books

Pascal Picq
Who will take power? Great apes, Politicians or Robots
Like Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind… with a dash of humour and a knowledge of prehistory too! Transhumanism, which is at the core of this book, is the subject of the moment.

Michel Godet, Marc Mousli
The Joy of Work Working brings us alive
A message for our political and economic leaders: work plays a central role in our societies, and seniors constitute a formidable pool of skills that they must learn how to use

David Spector
History of the Market Concept in France
An original point of view which runs counter to received ideas: the concept of the market is in a blind spot of leftist thinking, or even that of the French intellectual tradition. This book should be part of the debate as it provides historical insight on a crucial point of current disunity within the left and on its future.

Didier Lombard
New Economy, New Industry Industry: from low cost to high tech
An overview of French industry by the former head of France Telecom. Clear and applicable solutions to reverse direction: produce better quality, and stay competitive.

David Evans, Richard Schmalensee
The New Middlemen How Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber and the rest are changing the economy
“Stimulating and rigorous, everyone — students, entrepreneurs and all those who just want to understand how our economy is evolving — should read this book.” Jean Tirole. The book masterfully articulates a strategic analysis of economic theory, making it far easier to grasp.

Pascal Lamy, Jean-Michel Baer, Nicole Gnesotto
where is the world going? Two views of the world and of globalization
Fascinating and accessible analyses to better understand today’s world and its upheavals...

Jacques Barthélémy, Gilbert Cette
Working in the 21st Century The Uberization of the Economy
New labour laws for a new economy. Inevitable, but difficult to put into place, for the past year, labour-law reform has been at the heart of many key economic and political debates. Supported and co-published by two major think-tanks, Terra Nova and L’Institut de l’entreprise, this book will be heavily promoted.

Fabrice Houzé
The Invoice for Fixed Ideas
This book is the new Freakonomics. In its style as well as in its inconvenient proposals (removal of patents, replacement of the right to vote by drawing lots, taxation of meat, etc.) Michel Godet wrote the preface and lends his support for the promotion of the book.