Economics and Finance All books
Joëlle Toledano
Regulating GAFA Taking back control!
An astute and well-documented analysis of GAFA, which provides an in-depth understanding of the sources of their power.
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
Jean-Marc Daniel
Rediscovering Physiocrats A Plea for an Economy that Integrates the Ecological Imperative
Contrary to popular belief, the economy and ecology are not enemies. They arose together, as reflected by the physiocratic heritage.
Gilbert Cette, Jacques Barthélémy
Reconstructing Social Law to Reform How the Labour Market Functions
French social law, and particularly labour law, is characterised by an excess of rules and regulations that hinder economic growth and job creation. In this respect, France is an exception among European nations.
Jean-Marc Jancovici
Quiet sleep until 2100 and others Misunderstandings about the Climate, the Economy, Politics and the Environment
A brilliantly striking demonstration of the environment’s central role in the global economy
Henri Guaino
Putting an End to the Sacrifice Economy
An important work of economics, of very political economics, to feed reflection and fire debate.
Xavier Fontanet
Pull Together, Everyone! We can succeed and rise again
Through his columns in Les Echos, of which he offers us an enriched and updated selection, Xavier Fontanet finds substantial resonance in the media and among economic and political circles. A fundamentally optimistic book, which considers that everyone — citizen, consumer, entrepreneur — can take control of their destiny and contribute to the collective good.
Christian Stoffaës
Public Services A Question of the Future
French public services need to be modernised. In their present position, they incarnate the Welfare State and its grand projects. They are now being challenged by the opening up of the market, the fall of the controlled economy, deregulation, and privatisations. An open economy now rules the network industries, such as energy, transport, telecommunications, and collective services. Can we really just leave isolated and without a future this cornerstone of our society which represents all at once the infrastructure of the competitive economy, great technical achievements, the republican conception of social equality and the cohesion of the country ? A result of the reflections of the Network Plan 2010 group, led by Christian Stoffaës, the director of the company Elecricité de France, this work identifies the currents of change, assesses the situation in other countries, and traces an outline of a significant project to reform the State. In co-edition with La Documentation française.
Philippe Aghion, Céline Antonin, Simon Bunel
The Power of Creative Destruction A publishing event in Economics!
This book brings together five years of courses at the Collège de France and more than thirty years of research and instruction on “the economy of creative destruction.” It is Philippe Aghion’s seminal work.
George Akerlof, Robert Shiller
Phishing for Phools The Economics of Manipulation and Deception
Deception lies at the heart of the economy
Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache, Arthur Gautier
Philanthropy as Strategy
Within a French context marked by the polemics created by the fire of Notre-Dame, this book, the first on the subject in France, has the potential to become the work of reference on the subject.
Gilles Dufrénot, Anne Levasseur-Franceschi
Pandemics and Globalization Dangerous Liaisons?
A global approach to the interactions between economic and health phenomena favoring the notion of the public good over a conquest of markets
Jean-Marcel Jeanneney
Out of a Job
For the past twenty years France has been slipping into unemployment. This evil, which is becoming more and more serious, is leading our country into decline, and is threatening our democracy. After having described the difficulties resulting from the new world environment, the author discards the false solutions, such as intensified inflation, devaluation or protectionism. He then outlines the daring, but realistic policies he sees as necessary not only in France, but also for a more dynamic European Union. An economist, Jean-Marcel Jeanneney was a minister for seven years under the presidency of General de Gaulle. In 1980, he created the French Economic Research Institute, which he ran until 1990.
Françoise Zonabend
The Nuclear Peninsula Three Mile Island, Tchernobyl, Fukushima... and after?
Twenty-five years after her first investigation, the author returns to the French nuclear site at La Hague — and finds it more dangerous than ever
Irène Grenet
The New World of Advertising
A book for the general public on a universal theme, by an informative and precise specialist.
David Evans, Richard Schmalensee
The New Middlemen How Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber and the rest are changing the economy
“Stimulating and rigorous, everyone — students, entrepreneurs and all those who just want to understand how our economy is evolving — should read this book.” Jean Tirole. The book masterfully articulates a strategic analysis of economic theory, making it far easier to grasp.
Philippe Moati
The New Marketing Revolution
Supermarkets are changing their selling tactics to focus increasingly on the customer — and in the process our daily habits are being transformed
Didier Lombard
New Economy, New Industry Industry: from low cost to high tech
An overview of French industry by the former head of France Telecom. Clear and applicable solutions to reverse direction: produce better quality, and stay competitive.
Michel Aglietta, Pepita Ould Ahmed, Jean-François Ponsot
Money: Between Debt and Sovereignty
Currency as political animal
Pascal Salin
Monetary Systems From individual needs to international realities
Currencies, and the reform of monetary systems, are a subject of growing importance on both the economic scene and the electoral one. Mistakes and misinterpretations are frequent – even among policy-makers – making this book’s instructive approach all the more helpful and necessary.
Étienne Wasmer, Marc Ferracci
Modern State, Effective State
Citizens need a clearer picture of public spending — which makes evaluation absolutely necessary.
Georges Ugeux
The Missteps of Finance
Using plain language, a serious warning about the threats looming over the financial sphere. Georges Ugeux is a colorful figure in finance, and a free thinker.