
Economics and Finance All books

Rediscovering Physiocrats - A Plea for an Economy that Integrates the Ecological Imperative
Inventing Europe - Collège de France Autumn Colloquium 2021
A Solution for Africa - Bringing our Common Goods to Life
Ending the Financial Illusion - In Defense of Real Growth
Deindustrialization in France - Looking Back on 30 Years
New World of Advertising (The)
End of the Hegemony of the Dollar (The)
Economists respond to populists
Your Father’s Macroeconomics Is No Longer the Answer! - Proposals for the Coming Five Years
Industrial Sovereignty
Crisis, Climate - How to Transform the French Economy
Great Return of Land in Wealth (The)
Currency and Capital - The New Patrimonial Economy
Work and Technological Changes - From the Civilization of Factories to That of the Digital
Wall Street Attacks Democracy - How Financial Markets Increase Inequality
Pandemics and Globalization - Dangerous Liaisons?

Results : 1 to 16 from 223 books