Management Company All books

Philippe Durance, Régine Monti
The Long Term as a Horizon How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Interviews with senior executives of major companies: Danone, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SPIE, Veolia, Caisse des Dépôts, Malakoff Médéric etc. Long-term issues are essential to corporate strategy and management.

Ezra Suleiman, Yasmina Jaïdi, Frank Bournois
The French Prowess Management, French-style
More than 2,500 foreign executives from 20 CAC 40 companies were interviewed for this broad survey of French management. The extent of this analysis is the key to the richness of the book. Concrete advice for executives and directors of human resources to improve their management style.

David Evans, Richard Schmalensee
The New Middlemen How Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber and the rest are changing the economy
“Stimulating and rigorous, everyone — students, entrepreneurs and all those who just want to understand how our economy is evolving — should read this book.” Jean Tirole. The book masterfully articulates a strategic analysis of economic theory, making it far easier to grasp.

Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and innovation in France 2016 Futuris 2016
The tenth annual instalment in a series dedicated to research and innovation.

Philippe Trouchaud
The Cybersecurity beyond technology
The protection of personal data has become a major issue for businesses

Patrick Errard
Management Rescued by Philosophy
Guidelines to successful management, based on the teachings of philosophy

Michel Offerlé
A History of France’s MEDEF Employers’ Association
Organisation, power structure, lobbies, secrets: a history of the Movement of French Enterprises (MEDEF)