Management Company All books

James Teboul, Philippe Damier
The Mirage of Leadership Challenged by Neuroscience
To assume their role effectively, managers must know how to take into account the predispositions and biases that make them act, and thus understand them, and work resolutely against the grain of their natural inclinations.

Anne-Marie Kermarrec
Digital Technology, Counting with Women Preface by Gérard Berry
An incisive and informed assessment of the complicated relationships between women and the digital world, accompanied by strong measures and precise solutions to put an end to the sub-feminization of this still very macho sector.

Olivier Tirmarche
Overwork: The New Horizon of Productivity Work efficiency
From strategy to management tools, including work methods – all facets of the activity of a company are examined to root out overwork.

Dominique Schnapper, Alain Schnapper
Powerful Yet Fragile: Companies Under Democracy
An essential reflection in a context where Facebook is trying to take over regalian prerogatives (currency...) and replace the State.

Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache, Arthur Gautier
Philanthropy as Strategy
Within a French context marked by the polemics created by the fire of Notre-Dame, this book, the first on the subject in France, has the potential to become the work of reference on the subject.

Gilles Teneau, Géraldine Lemoine
Toxic Handlers Generators of Goodwill in Companies
Criteria to enable HR professionals and company managers to recognize, recruit, and support these unique personalities who are so valuable to organizations.

Philippe Trouchaud
All specialists agree that hacking incidents are only increasing. This book proposes ways to learn how to protect oneself while acknowledging that zero risk no longer exists.

François Lévêque
Imperfect Competition
A very wide diversity of examples taken from all sectors. Very educational, well written, and easy to understand, this book is also an economics lesson for Dummies.

Philippe Durance, Régine Monti
The Long Term as a Horizon How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Interviews with senior executives of major companies: Danone, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SPIE, Veolia, Caisse des Dépôts, Malakoff Médéric etc. Long-term issues are essential to corporate strategy and management.

Ezra Suleiman, Yasmina Jaïdi, Frank Bournois
The French Prowess Management, French-style
More than 2,500 foreign executives from 20 CAC 40 companies were interviewed for this broad survey of French management. The extent of this analysis is the key to the richness of the book. Concrete advice for executives and directors of human resources to improve their management style.

David Evans, Richard Schmalensee
The New Middlemen How Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Uber and the rest are changing the economy
“Stimulating and rigorous, everyone — students, entrepreneurs and all those who just want to understand how our economy is evolving — should read this book.” Jean Tirole. The book masterfully articulates a strategic analysis of economic theory, making it far easier to grasp.

Jacques Lesourne, Denis Randet
Research and innovation in France 2016 Futuris 2016
The tenth annual instalment in a series dedicated to research and innovation.

Philippe Trouchaud
The Cybersecurity beyond technology
The protection of personal data has become a major issue for businesses

Patrick Errard
Management Rescued by Philosophy
Guidelines to successful management, based on the teachings of philosophy

Michel Offerlé
A History of France’s MEDEF Employers’ Association
Organisation, power structure, lobbies, secrets: a history of the Movement of French Enterprises (MEDEF)

Observatoire des cadres
What Use Is Management? Questioning management tactics
What is management’s future role in a rapidly changing business world?

Didier Lombard
The Irresistible Ascension Of Digital Europe and the rest of the world
What are Europe’s advantages in the digital race against Asia and the U.S.? And what is at stake?

Éric Giuily
A Question of Spin Winning Strategies, Losing Strategies
A leading expert reveals in six crucial points how to communicate convincingly

Frank Dangeard
Crisis Decision-Making in Businesses 12 Tales of Governance
Based on his extensive experience as a manager and administrator, and illustrated with numerous examples from recent business history...

Michel Godet
The Impact of 2006 Demographics, Growth, Employment
France is undergoing a major recession on all fronts, according to Michel Godet. And it is pointless to blame globalisation, European construction or technological change. The demographic watershed of 2006, when the retirement-pension system will explode, will reveal decades of wasteful mismanagement. For how, he asks, can hope remain if there are no human beings?How can sustainable development be assured within a truly participatory democracy? This iconoclastic, inflamed indictment is above all a voluntarists message of lucidity and hope. Michel Godet holds the chair of futurology at CNAM.

Philippe Moati
The Future of Large-Scale Distribution
Few phenomena have changed our urban centres as much as the birth of large-scale distribution: our towns ans cities have been transformed, as have our methods of purchasing, and even our places of social interaction have moved. This is perhaps only the beginning. In this book, Philippe Moati reviews the development of large-scale distribution during the three decades of prosperity that followed World War II and the economic crisis that succeeded them. He analyses the problems encountered by large-scale distribution today and examines the development strategies that are currently being put into practice and the revolutions which are perhaps to come. Philippe Moati teaches economics at the University of Paris-VII and is a director of research at CREDOC.
Results : 1 to 31 from 31 books