Philosophy All books

Philippe Desan
Montaigne The Self, the Other and Time
A reference book by one of the best Montaigne specialists in the world.

Pierre-André Taguieff
Philo-Semitism Is Philo-Semitism an Antisemitism?
The ambiguities surrounding the Jewish question emanating from intellectuals and so-called “philo-semititic” personalities are closely analyzed here, in light of ever more troubling current events. A strong and disturbing book.

Marc Crépon
The Desire to Resist A Critical Mind for Our Times
The struggle against all forms of authority, a critical mind, and the ability to think for ourselves, are the best weapons against those who want to convince us of our insignificance.

Yves Quéré
On Beauty Twenty-Six Ariettas
Does beauty reside in aesthetic contemplation, intellectual depth, technical achievement? Twenty-six intersecting miscellanea for intellectual happiness.

Joëlle Proust
Thinking Fast or Thinking Well
By revealing the individual and social implications of cognitive functioning, an overview of up-to-date knowledge enabling us to understanding our thinking and to control it more in practice.

Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, Céline Jurgensen
Nuclear Imaginaries
A cross-sectional approach: from the curious to the specialist, all audiences will find food for thought here. From fiction (cartoons, cinema…) to the military perspective, and including literary references, a great variety of subjects are broached.

Hugo Mercier , Dan Sperber
The Enigma of Reason
Ambitious, provocative, fascinating, this book gives readers resources to rethink their own way of thinking.

François Dosse
Philosophical Friendships
A sensitive light shed on the philosophical subjects that the reader thus (re)discovers, from existentialism to event philosophy...

Anne Fagot-Largeault
On Becoming, Evolution, and Time
A book of philosophy in which both the general public and specialists will find material for enlightenment and enrichment.

Daniel Sibony
In Search of Another Time
An original text, brilliant writing and thinking that shed light on both the experienced familiar and the most abstract theories on time.

Jean-Noël Robert
Language and Science, Speech and Thought In the beginning, is it language, speech, or thought?
The fruit of the most recent autumn colloquium at the Collège de France, an interdisciplinary reflection on questions concerning the role of language and speech in the age of the internet and new technologies.

Jean-Claude Carrière
A Forgotten Century, the Twentieth
The book tells the story of an era, with humor and with gravity, while also giving us a glimpse of the contours of a life; that of a passionate and exciting man.

François Galichet
What Is a Completed Life?
François Galichet is a philosopher. A graduate of the École normale supérieure, with a Ph.D. in philosophy, he is emeritus professor at the Université de Strasbourg.

Alain Renaut, Geoffroy Lauvau
Conflictions in the Twenty-First Century
A strong and original thesis for an understanding of the new, contemporary social violence. Alain Renaut is a recognized philosopher, and his works, such as his Leçons de la philosophie, have enjoyed long-term sales.

Peter Frumkin, Anne-Claire Pache, Arthur Gautier
Philanthropy as Strategy
Within a French context marked by the polemics created by the fire of Notre-Dame, this book, the first on the subject in France, has the potential to become the work of reference on the subject.

Patrice Debré
Revolutions in Biology and the Human Condition
A reflection on the prowess and the promises of biotechnologies, this text also casts a critical light on the transhumanist project.