Religions, Spiritualities All books

Olivier Artus, Sophie Ramond
Contemporary Challenges and the Hebrew Bible An Ethics of Good and Evil
A text that combines history, biblical science, philosophy and ethics, for an original reflection on society’s current challenges in terms of justice, ecology and human dignity.

Fouazia Farida Charfi
Islam and Science
A politically involved scientist, Faouzia Charfi is an important voice, in Tunisia and in France.

Armand Laferrère, Moshe Sebbag
Jews and Eternity
Are civilizations mortal? And yet, the Jewish people endure. A look at a mystery that might shed light on a world very concerned with its decline.

Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.

Claude Debru, Frédéric-Pierre Isoz
Why Do We Believe?
This book is a dialogue between a philosopher and a psychoanalyst.

Jean-François Bensahel
Confronting the New World Epistle to Paul and to Our Contemporaries
It so happens that a man was confronted with the same challenges, experienced the same anguish...

François Roustang, Ève-Alice Roustang
The Third Man Between Personal Breakdown and Catholic Crisis
An important stage in the intellectual journey of François Roustang, presented by Ève-Alice Roustang, a writer and daughter of the author. The text of François Roustang is put into perspective by three eminent specialists of the history of Catholicism.

Daniel Sibony
A Radical Love Belief and Identity
An original analysis of the relationships between religions, between Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Key concepts in psychoanalysis applied to religions: denial, repressions, impulses, illusions.