Medicine All books
Fleur Lejeune, Édouard Gentaz
The Premature Child Cognitive Development in Premature Infants
Is brain development slower in preterm infants?
Patrick Clervoy
The Power of Mind over Body
The role and the power of the mind in healing: a completely new approach. An approach that looks to history, philosophy, biology, psychiatry – all that goes into the healing process.
Jean Juras, Alain Bourcier
The Perineum Dialogues Lifting the veil on perineal disorders
A subject that can be hard to discuss, and a light-hearted yet well-documented way of addressing a taboo. Aimed at both women and men. Perineal issues after giving birth, after cancer treatments, in old age, after treatment for prostate cancer, etc..
David Khayat
The Paths of Hope
The progress made in cancer research and the advances in therapeutics have become such that they open before us, without any doubt, marvellous paths towards hope. It is these paths that I suggest we discover together. David Khayat David Khayat is a professor at the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and the head of the cancer team at the La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.
Pierre Pollak
Parkinson's Disease
There are many aspects of this disease : How does it operate and what causes it ? When does the trembling start ? What are the other symptoms ? What are the newest available treatments ? What can be done when medicines are no longer effective ? What about brain surgery ? Will it be possible one day to perform brain transplants ? With regard to the daily life of a patient suffering from Parkinsons Disease, what are the benefits of gymnastics and massages ? Is it still possible to drive ? Or hold down a job ? What is the best attitude for the people around the patient to adopt ? Pierre Pollak teaches neurology at the University Hospital of Grenoble.
Jean-Marie Besson
Pain. Doctors and researchers have long sought its origin.In this fascinating essay, well-known neurophysiologist J.-M. Besson explains what pain is and how to combat it. He examines acupuncture, various placebos, and recounts the current search for an ideal analgesic, one containing the power of morphine without its negative side effects.
Christian Boitard
Overcoming Diabetes insulin
A clear and passionate account to better understand diabetes and the history of this illness.
David Khayat
Of Blood and Tears
An eminent physician recounts his deepest feelings as he faces death and pain, as well as his own suffering, in the course of treating his patients.
Jacques Rogé
Nietzsche's Syndrome
Nietzsche was a manic-depressive. This is the conclusion that one doctor, Professor Jacques Rogé has come to after reading the works of the great philosopher, in particular his autobiographical texts. In light of this diagnosis, he explains why the author of Joyful Wisdom continuously oscillated between periods of creative exultation and periods of melancholic depression. In particular, he draws out the essential role that this illness played in the explosion of Nietzsches genius.