Medicine All books
Michel Craplet
Alcohol, the Foremost Addiction Overcoming a Chronic Illness
Alcoholism remains a major subject in public health, much more toxic than drug addiction
Jean-Philippe Derenne
All that we know about the plasticity of this virus, which is constantly mutating and changing, which makes it completely unpredictable. Even in countries where the crisis was believed to be over (China, Iceland, Slovakia, etc.), new cases are emerging.
André Grimaldi
My Battle for Health Putting an End to 20 Years of Neglect
For a complete understanding of our health system and the succession of reforms “for increased productivity” of hospitals that have harmed it, without responding to the true new challenges happening now and to come.
Bernard Sablonnière
The Mysteries of the Human Body
Do your organs interest you? In this new book, Professor Sablonnière offers a guided tour of them, a new Fantastic Voyage that plunges us into the mysteries of the body and its arcana.
Jacques Laloum
Glaucoma Prevention, Detection, and Treatment
For the first time, a book of information written for a general audience and for patients, by one of the foremost specialists of this disease which affects more than a million French people.
Philippe Siou
Starting with an account from the field written in an unrestrained tone by a practitioner dealing with a patient’s end of life, an unprecedented questioning on the deontology of a doctor and the intricacies of our hospital system.
Jocelyne Rolland
What To Do After Breast Cancer?
Concrete answers and adapted exercises, guided by a physiotherapist specialized in working with women who have had breast cancer.
Patrice Debré
Research in Times of Epidemics From AIDS to Covid
The views of a doctor, who analyzes the AIDS crisis as the catalyst for a new health democracy, in relation to the recent debates on the management of public health policies.
Alain Cassourra
The Wounds of the Soul When energy opens the way to healing
A contribution to the reflection on the art of osteopathic care.
Bernard Granger
The Death of the Hospital?
After two years of health crisis, emergency response measures, overflowing hospitals and mass mobilization, a clear-eyed account of the state of hospitals today based on insider experience and lived examples.
André Grimaldi
The Public Hospital is Ill: Diagnosis and Treatment Hospitals save lives, let’s save them too!
A diagnosis made on the basis of a 50-year decline in public hospital services, by one of the best specialists.
Christian Boitard
Overcoming Diabetes insulin
A clear and passionate account to better understand diabetes and the history of this illness.